Message from goddess Athena.

 People have locked me up in cheesy figurines that don't show who I really am, myths are also lies. The only truth is about my wisdom, belligerence and power, the rest is the dream of a drunkard who dressed the gods with his own whims and weaknesses. I, Athena, am with those who carry the lamp of enlightenment, who are not afraid to lighten the darkness and show the way for the lost. I support versatile, open minds that are not afraid to seek knowledge and draw from many sources.

I regret that Greece has fallen, that its true beauty and heritage have not survived. Together with the other gods of Olympus, we have given so much to this land and to these chosen people. Without us, they'd just be a bunch of ignorant savages.

We taught them their craft, we kindled the flame of knowledge, we taught them to ask about the cause of the world. Everything is gone. What you now read as translations of great thinkers is but a small handful of what was. The most important thing has been swallowed up by the Christian idol, which has trampled our achievements.

I have left Athens, no city is worthy of my name. I travel the world in my chariot looking for open hearts and minds.

The spiritual world can be compared to a skyscraper. The most primitive beings live in the basement, people on the first floors, depending on their development and level of spiritual wisdom. There are animals above you. Yes, animals - their spirits are stronger and smarter than many people. Then there are the lesser deities, the ancestors, what you call guardian spirits. At the most, we are gods-demons, whatever you call us.

Some people have an "elevator" that takes them to any floor of a skyscraper. Most, however, lock themselves in their narrow minds as in cages from which they do not come out.

Yahweh is quite outside this "skyscraper", he is a complete alien who walks between the cages from time to time and tells his followers that he will release them one day. Angels are not his servants, they are beings unthinkingly devoted to an all-encompassing, dull love that is impersonal, meaningless, and is a total emptiness that adds nothing to the course of this earth and universe.

Their "love" is not what you humans feel. We- gods- love too, and that's something else too. Angelic love is an overwhelming nothingness that takes away the will, the will to act, the will to live and the will to exist. They fiercely defend their idea of nothingness, impersonality, not people or their souls. We are demanding, we are strict with paternal and maternal care towards you. They want to bombard you with feelings that overwhelm you and make you unreal, give you a sense of the meaning of existence without specific action, and human life has meaning and is fulfilled only through action, creation and searching.

No empire was created from idleness and thoughtless procreation.


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